Thursday, March 3, 2011

Rain, rain, go away...

It's white week. I worked Monday and Tuesday and I'm off until Monday. Paula and Jan are at gym camp until 1, Pol's home with me (no camps for 2 year olds). Wanted to go out, to the park, for a walk... it's raining... guess we have to stay in. He's ok with it, no hurry to get dressed or anything, but I so would have liked to go out and about with him.

Also, wanted to go for a run today... hope it clears a bit and when hubby's back home I get to head out even if it's only for a few minutes! I really need to get going again... I didn't build up over a year just to throw the towel, did I? Plus I love it!

I watched this youtube video yesterday about a guy doing 500 marathons in 500 days in a row. And he talks about people giving the excuse of not finding time to go our for a run. He does on average, 3:40 marathons everyday, he says he takes away sleeping hours so he can go to work 8 hours and spend time with his family (wife and daugther). The challenge ends on Feb. 13th 2013. He started on Oct. 1st 2010... if he can find the time, heck... I can find 30 minutes, can't I????? He does it to raise money to help mentally disabled people... amazing! He already went all around Spain and in Summer finished a 150 marathons in 150 days challenge... he's amazing... he's lucky he's body's up for it too. He's skinny, needless to say and he's got a funny step too, like waddling kind of but nothing stops him. He changes his shoes every 850kms... so, that's very often. He has sponsors, obviously but the way he overcomes all obstacles, the mental power he has, is amazing... he said a challenge like this doesn't allow bad days or illness... he says he's gone out in freezing rain and a high temperature... seems crazy but it's doable, so has he proved it. He's 38. This is the video (in Spanish)

And another pure inspiration is Team Hoyt, dad and son, Dick and Rick... amazing... the pure power of love! Any of the videos brings tears to your eyes no matter what kind of person you are, for sure! I like this video because it talks about other disabled people... if they can, we ALL can... ordinary people doing extraordinary things... or maybe I should say... super extraordinary people, doing super extraordinary things... I really admire them. Thanks for setting such an example!

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