Friday, January 22, 2010


Where do I start? Let's see... I had a stomach bug yesterday... so no training for me... I felt horrible but woke up great this am :) Went to work and had lots of energy. I think it was my best day teaching so far... I was so happy, I could tell the kids were enjoying it. It was fun.

Got home after work, took Pol and went to see Christine. Her daughter had her baby Arnau yesterday at midnight! Came back home, changed Pol and got kid's dinner ready. Got changed (after thinking about it...) to go running... interval running today called for 10' slow, 5' fast + 5' easy, twice with 5' recuperation inbetween. First interval was ok but I struggled through the second. Everything hurt, specially my butt. It's frightening to see that my injury pain was back... I hope it doesn't come back again... I didn't stop and finished the run but feeling really bad. I fear being last again on the race on Sunday. I don't know I don't feel ready and that makes me sad... I know I had the flu last week and had the tummy bug yesterday but I just seem to be running a lot slower that I did just a few weeks ago :( Hopefully I'll see things in a different light tomorrow.

I am not quitting and I'm getting out there (unless another virus hits me) and doing whatever I can. I'd just like to feel normal, like a real runner... maybe some day...

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