Wednesday, May 12, 2010


Well... I'm a believer in living life to the max and today was "proof" of it. I got to work today and everyone had a *weird* face on. I ask what's up and they tell me one of my K3's dad died last evening. I was in shock, needless to say. He was healthy and happy, only 45 and died of a "fulminant" heart attack.

I've always known but it's at times like this that I realize that we are NOTHING, that our destiny is written and that there's nothing to do about it. That we should never leave anything for tomorrow, do all you can today as you never know what tomorrow brings, if there's tomorrow... we're so frail... we can have everything one minute and lose it all next... there's that e-mail running around that says to never wait until this, that or the other because you waste your time while waiting... too true. Live the moment and enjoy every minute, you don't know what the next minute will bring.

This little girl came to school today. She knew nothing about her dad passing away. Her mom was going to tell her this evening. She'll be in tomorrow. She was all happy and smiles today, obviously she didn't know her dad was missing. We'll see what happens tomorrow. Lots of hugs might be required. And I'll be there for her. So sad...

So... CARPE DIEM, live life to the fullest (without being silly), tell your loved one that you love them and don't wait til tomorrow to do what you CAN do today. Love life!

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