Monday, December 6, 2010

Ghosts from the past

I am 40. I turned 40 on Sunday November 28th, election day here for us! It was a nice day. I went out for dinner with some friends the night before. Got some new running clothes, yippee!! Sunday am I went to run a field race but didn't look at the schedule properly and had to leave without running but I did trot around and got a picture for Pol from Xevi and he got me a necklace, very nice indeed! Then over to mom's, went to a restaurant and celebrated both our birthdays. She turned 66! I got more running clothes and some chocs :D It was nice and simple. Kids had a great time. All 6 grandchildren together!

Haven't trained in ages and had a 5k race today. We all went to Barcelona (took me a lot of effort to convince Toni to come) although in the end they didn't see me run as Toni got really stressed with the kids and they stayed at a park. Better not to ask them to come after all! Anyway, I set off way to quick (although calling my pace quick is a riot) but did all k's under 7'/k so I'm happy with that. The problem is that my very first injury, the one that kept me 3 years off from running is haunting me back and now on both legs, argh! My PT has been extremely sweet and I'm going to go see his physiotherapist and see what happens. There has to be an answer and a cure and I need to know about it. It's been too long now! Anyway, I run and I finished in 35:12 (6'42"/k) happy as Larry :D Stayed in Barcelona for a while, went to the mall and to Toni's favorite hot dog place and came back home. We've had a lovely afternoon at home. I have a lovely family, I do indeed!

I think I just have too much on my hands right now and it's all affecting me. I have to accept I am not a superwoman, just a regular human being and can't cope with everything. There!

Next races, hoping I can do them: Dec. 19th, 5K in Lloret, Dec. 26th, 7k in Riudellots and Dec. 31st, 5,4K in Girona although I am having little surgery on the 29th and don't know if I'll be able to run it! Also might run a relay (1h) in a 24hr event to raise money for a good cause, although due to my injury and having a back-up person I've told her to take my spot if it suits her! We'll see, if not I'll go and do what I can!

I need a break. I need a good night's sleep. That's all

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