Saturday, December 26, 2009

One down... two to go!

So... it is Boxing Day. My first race of the 3 planned was this am... I did it!

I arrived in Riudellots about only 15 minutes before the race was starting. I got my bib number: 265 and headed to the start. It started raining as the gun shot. The start was uphill, ho-hum. I could tell I wasn't in my best shape but still I got going. I took some little walk breaks. Walked about 7 minutes total. I did the 7ks in a slow 52:18. I think that if I had run it all I would have obviously been slightly faster. Still I'm proud. I got out there and I did it... yay me!

As I had just 1k to go I saw my family... that was a booster... I was so happy to have them there although I knew they wouldn't make it to the finish line. The kids were happy and proud of their mom... they're such sweethearts! We stayed and played a little in a park. They loved it. Came back home, I fed Pol, showered, put Pol down for his nap, got lunch ready, ate, took a nap... it's been great so far! Last night was great! Little Pol slept from 8pm until 9:45am... almost 14 hours... what a wonderful Xmas gift, the best ever!

La Sansi de Lloret tomorrow, 5k awaiting me... am I ready? You bet... Lloret... here I come... and my family is coming too, woohoo!!!!

Happy Boxing Day!

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