Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Rainy day

It rained today... hadn't done so in ages so it was very much needed but of course... the kids didn't get any playground time and you could tell. Still it was a good day!

Went to my psychologist appointment today and it was great. Instead of being negative as usual, I was very positive. I'm feeling this way since I changed jobs... I work in a really nice atmosphere and you can tell. Helps with my mood! So the appointment was good. She said to see me a little later this time as she sees me progressing really well! Told her I have been eating well for a week and she was pleased to hear that and to see the effort I'm putting into it all.

Eating wise I did 2 *forbidden* things. One was have a tiny sandwich mid morning... I was hungry and that's what I felt like having and the other was a coffee after lunch that did me a lot of good... I wasn't hungry all afternoon! It's not like I over did it and had a bar of chocolate or anything... but it's the first day I have something "not" supposed to have. I feel good. I did weigh myself this am and that was a mistake because despite my being good, the scale showed 1 extra kilo... I didn't like that but then again I shouldn't weigh myself everyday or 2 days in a row for the matter. So, no more weighing until Friday and after that, until next Thursday (we're going away) and then until Tuesday because on Tuesday I'm seing the nutritionist! So there!

Work was good today. Had 12 5s missing... the class was heaven! It really went well. All classes were good today. I'm happy... I've realised I will do what I can. It's a challenge and I hope I get them to like my class and learn something. I'll try my best. If I excell, great, if not... tough. These kids have no limits or habits whatsoever. I have them an hour a day... no miracle can be expected, right???

Feeling good... was it that coffee???

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