Monday, October 12, 2009

The beginning of the end???

Hi! Here I am and hoping this time is for good...

I am starting this blog as I start a *new* life... a new way of living... healthier eating habits and exercising. This is it... I'm fed up of being and feeling fat and ugly. I believe I've got a lot to offer but I'm not confident enough. Enough is enough... I'm fed up of hiding. I'm fed up fo not wanting to do anything. I'm fed up of not fitting into clothes. I'm fed up of being fed up really so it's time for action (about time I'd say...)

I started back on C25K (a running program, Couch to 5K, that's supposed to get you off the couch and running 30 minutes nonstop) in mid August. I am 50lbs overweight at this point so I wasn't quite sure it'd work out, but... it has... I have graduated and last night I run for 44:27 nonstop... I didn't go a very long distance... it was a total of 3.33 miles running and then up to 3.95 adding the warm up and cool down walks. I'm loving running again. Speed will come as I lose weight (I hope). And what's most important... I managed to run all that time yesterday... PAIN FREE, yes... no pain whatsoever and loved every minute of the run... I just feel free!

As for eating habits, I saw a nutritionist and he gave me a few guides. Wants to me to NEVER be hungry... forbidden for me to be hungry so I'm to eat every 2.5/3 hours so I'm trying to see what happens! It will take a huge effort on my behalf... I'm such a foodaholic and a chocoholic but I need to get my eating under control. My thyroid isn't helping either, so that's another battle for me. I'm hoping we'll get it under control soon and all will be easier.

I do have to believe in myself though and know I can do it and it'll happen. I've had wonderful encouragement from and C25K as well as Sparkpeople. I have wonderful friends who believe in me so I better not let them down, or let myself down for the matter.

So this is it... here I go... I hope I get to my goal of losing 50lbs and running a bit further and faster!

If anyone's reading... thanks! :)

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