Saturday, July 3, 2010

Long time, no update...

So, here I am... I wanted to blog ages ago but I just have no time, so now that I have a minute I'll try to explain what's been happening!

First off, Friday last week I went for a run and it felt like Heaven... I loved every minute of it despite the heat. It was a slow run but a run nontheless. Altogether with warmup and cooldown I did 7.4K, not bad!

Then on Saturday we headed to Portaventura, an amusement park in Tarragona, about 2 hours drive from here. It's a great place and had a great time! We were there from 12pm to 12am!!! The kids had a blast, so did we! Pol was great, never had to use the baby safety harness! He walked a lot and did great! BTW, the photos are from our day at the park. My 3 beauties, Paula&Pol, Jan&Pol, my 3 angels again and Paula and Jan having fun in the canoes!

On Sunday we rested... woke up at 10:30. Pol started having nightmares, or so we thought and for a few days he didn't want to go to sleep and he was screaming like crazy. He'd wake up the same way... maybe he was overexcited or he was "shocked" of all he saw, but we seem to be back on the good path, fingers crossed! He then got really congested and couldn't breathe so he's on cortisone plus 2 inhalers. He's a champ though! He banged his eyebrow on the table on Weds and it swell like crazy, now it looks as he's wearing makeup, LOL! He's extremely cuddly and lovely but he's still very restless although adorable!

I went to the doctor in Barcelona on Tuesday. As I have been saying (and suspecting) all along, I do have an eating disorder... I'm an emotional eater. It will be a life time *battle* but hey at least I'm in good hands now. It is going to be hard. I have no control, nothing new as I've stated that before many-a-time but I'm determined to do something about it. I will need help and lots of willpower but I know I can do it. It really only depends on me but every little help I can get will be extremely helpful! I'm a kind of addict... only that addicts have to stop whatever they're addicted to but I can't stop eating or else I'd die. I do have to avoid risk situations, not easy, specially in Summer but it needs doing. Can I? Of course I can, yes, I can! So, there you go... so many diets, so many doctors when the problem is in my head... better late than never I guess!

I went for a run Weds this week... awesome to say the least. A tad faster than my last run (same route) although it was even hotter but loving the feeling of freedom!

Started Summer School on Thursday. I have quite a few kids. 20 this past week, 22 the following, 25 the next, 24 the other one and 17 the last... I do deserve it! Although the "heavy" kids are there ALL month, among them last 17, LOL! But so far it's great fun. Enjoying it very much. A nice group. Lots of new kids but loving it. My helper is great and we get a long very well. The other teachers are great and we make a wonderful team, even if I say so!

Extremely hot today. Pol slept until 9:20am... talk about a gift! Paula and Jan slept until then too! Easy morning just going out to get a few things. Late afternoon we headed to the park. Paula wanted to try to ride her bike without the little wheels at the back... she's almost there! We had a great time. The sun started going down and in the end it was only us at the park. Got home, I bathed all 3 at the same time for the first time. It was great. Fed the kids and... in bed!

Racing in the am. Last race of the *season*. I'm racing in Barcelona. It's a 10K... it will be VERY hot, hopefully the organization thinks twice and puts sponges or an extra water station or showers at like K3/8 (it's a 2 loop race). I will take an extra bottle of water with me just in case! I don't know what will happen. I haven't been training really but I really feel like going so I will. It is 11 pm now. Have to get up at 6, so I better get some zzzz's. Hopefully Pol keeps sleeping through the night... what a difference it makes!

It's a hot Summer and it will be the Summer of change for me. At least I'll try!

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