Sunday, July 18, 2010

Holy smokes...

I haven't updated in a while... oh my...

So... it's still extremely hot, I'd say unbearable, disgusting... I just can't tolerate the heat, then again, it's Summer and that's what it has!

Kids are great. Paula's end of season show at gymnastics is on Friday. No more training then until August 30th! She's doing great. Lost her 3rd tooth on Friday and her 4th this am, so now at age 7 (almost and 1/2) she's lost her 4 middle bottom teeth! It's been exactly a year since she lost her second... her 2 top middle ones are moving too but I hope they don't fall yet, LOL! The tooth fairy is too busy to visit now!

Jan is our little angel... he's so good and so easy going. A bit stubborn at times. He's the one in the middle (like me) so keeping an eye on him, and trying to make him feel super special always. He's being very lovely and demanding mommy, so he's had mommy all to himself! He's enjoying Summer School very much and he's now swimming on his own, no arm bands needed anymore!

Pol's "exploting", he's such a joy... a handful too but getting better and better. We're starting to see "results" from our being so ferm. He now reacts to "no". He's talking lots, understands everything, loves to dance and sing... he's simply adorable! Get along great with his siblings... they love each other very much, it's really nice! He's also peeing in the toilet :o, my smart little boy!

We went to moms yesterday. Dad's not well... he's really gone backwards since he was last admitted in hospital for a pneumonia. He's in a bad mood, he's cranky, he's lots weight again... plus what's worse, mom's getting really "fed up"... it's taking a toll on her... don't really know what's best to do. We were able to take a dip in the pool both before and after lunch. The kids had a whale of a time. It was great. Even little cousin Harry joined in and loved it! It was really nice. Jan showed my how he jumps in the water, how he puts his head under, how he swims without armbands... a very exciting day!

As for me... Summer School is going well, only 2 weeks to go, 9 working days, one of which is a day trip! We went to Molló Parc on Friday ( and loved it. Will go with my family one day of the holidays... a great animal parc with lots of space and really well done!

I told my doc I could not afford going to therapy in Barcelona once a week plus a visit once a month. She referred me to a psychologist here in Girona and saw him on Thursday. So good to know I'm in good hands! I really liked him and he seems to know (after a long chat) where the problem is so hopefully I'm on the mend. Will need lots of willpower on my behalf but then again, noone said it's be easy!

Have been feeling extremely tired these days... would sleep all day. Not nice. No motivation at all. Haven't run since July 4th on that awful race. Hope I can get out there even if it's only for a walk tomorrow or anytime this week. I have to!

I signed up for a 10k on August 8th to motivate me, so far, nothing's happened... there's a 8.1k this coming Sunday... thinking about it. It might make me get out there too!

I can, I can, I can!

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