Monday, November 9, 2009

A good did

Monday again... back to work. Work went good. Did lots of stuff and love my work mates. The kids weren't too bad and the 2 worse ones of all weren't there so it was quite pleasant.

I was good food wise today. Wasn't hungry at all so that's good, very good! I did have a little extra yesterday but I think I'm not overdoing it at all!

I went for a run. I felt tired, my legs feel really tired but did my best time yet. Nothing to shoot rockets about but made up for my run on Friday and my disappointment after it. I just love the feeling after running... it's amazing! I had an energy gel before going. I don't think it did anything then again, I don't know what would've happenned if I hadn't taken it! Running my 10K on the 29th... only 20 days to go! Counting today's run, I should get 9 runs in before the 10K so hopefully I get there in good shape!

Really tired so off to bed I go, it's 11 pm, bout time I went, right?

I'm going to do this, I can do this... control is my pending subject... being able to control when there's good food about but easy does it. I hope I've lost a bit more before my 39th birthday on the 28th. The race is my self present! I think running with my brother will be great even if I only see him at the beginning and then at the end where he'll be waiting for me!

I can do it!

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