Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Why? Why? Why?

Ok, so last run/trot/walk was on Monday with Paula along the bike path. No workout since then. Yesterday was first day back at work, got home and had to take Jan to the docs. He had a temperature. Got home with both kids, Pol screaming to the top of his lungs, fair enough his dinner and bedtime were gone. Needless to say, I was pooped so I didn't get out there. Tonight I had to take Jan back to the ER, got home at 10pm... no comment.

But my why, why, why is about me and my weight... Why is it that everytime someone says to me something like "oh, my! What have you done to lose so much weight?" or "you look great" or "you've lost soooooooooo much, how did you do it?" or "you'll have to tell me how you've done that", etc, why do I start binging like crazy????? It's been soooooooooooo hard to lose the weight (I'm not done yet) and everytime (it's not the first time I lose weight, unfortunately) someone realizes and lets me know I just start eating like there's no tomorrow. What the heck is wrong with me??? Ugh... I hate myself!

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