Friday, March 12, 2010

Getting things done...

What a week... there was a huge snow storm forecasted and for once... they got it. We're NOT used to snow... this is the mediterranean! But my oh my... what a storm... with lightning and thunder and all...

Got to work Monday am and it was snowing a little. All buses were sent back, so we only had local kids at school and the ones that are left first thing in the morning. We started calling their families as the national weather service kept sending messages things would only get worse. In 2 hours, there were 7cm of snow on my car... that was quick! At noon I was able to get out. I picked the kids up... all schools were closing by 3 and school was cancelled for Tuesday. The problems on the roads were amazing... hundreds of people having to leave the car in the middle of the road... 7 hours to complete a 10-15 minute commute... unreal... we're not used, not ready... after all we get one of these every 24 years... 1948, 1962, 1986 and 2010... lots of people were left without electricity. Some only got it back last night, like my parents... it's been a nice experience for the kids. We've had no problems but for those who've suffered and are suffering...

I took the kids out on Tuesday. They had a blast... well, Pol didn't, he didn't like his feet sinking in the snow... bless his soul! But Paula and Jan loved it. It was sooooooooo nice! I will have to figure how to post pictures in the middle of messages so I can post some!

On Sunday March 7th I had a 6.5K race, la volta a l'estany de Banyoles. I hadn't trained in a week due to this, that and the other. Still I got up and went and it was awesome, simply great! I covered the distance in 41:32 which is pretty fast for me! It is such a beautiful place, so inspiring and I just enjoyed myself! We went all around the lake. Lots of people, families, dogs... great... two good things about it... at about km 3, a little 5 year old passed me and he stayed within 20 meters until the end. His mom was there too, about 1-2 meters from me. When getting to the finish like I tried passing her but she sped up, I tried again, she did it again, but third time was a charm, I sped and passed her... yay me! A big motivator (the other good thing) was that when approaching the final stretch, I could hear sirens and noises... the runners of the half marathon, who had set out 30 minutes before us, were arriving too! I actually got to cross the finish line with the winner of the half! How cool is that? It was great!

I tried running in the storm... too slippery and too windy. Tried the day after, the sidewalks were full of ice... I kept sliding... so on Wednesday I went back to Banyoles (previous call to the office of tourism) and run around the lake again. It was sort of a fartlek run... having to jump over fallen trees (due to the snow storm), slipping on mud, skating on ice... it was great and enjoyable. My time was much slower, then again, the conditions were different too! I then did 10x100m intervals. The first 4 with wide stride, the others at 90%.

I went out for a run again yesterday. Plan called for 15 easy minutes plus 4-5 x 1000 m (yes, that's 1 k!). I set out thinking I'd do 5 repeats for sure. I was sore from Wednesday's workout. First repeat was good, fast for me, but each repeat got slower and slower and I felt more and more tired so I decided to do 4 and call it quits. I am proud I did it and gave it my best, but I do have to admit I was a tad disappointed at getting worse/slower with every repeat. In a way I see it "normal" but I'm not quite sure it's the way it had to be... Anyway... I did it. I could have quit after 2 repeats but didn't so... yay me! It's a rest day today so, at almost 11pm I should really be getting to bed!

Kids are doing great. Paula's next competition is in Terrassa on Saturday March 20th. Both Paula and Jan are sleeping over at school next Friday night... it's their welcome to spring! And the day after Paula's competing... not a good combination if you ask me... oh well! Pol's a sweetie, getting cuter and cuter each day. I just love my kids... they're my life!

It was the Barcelona marathon on Sunday too... I had friends running it. I watched their finishing videos... it's sooooooooo exciting... I've cried. I can see myself doing it some day... I'm thinking of registering for next year. The date is set... March 6th 2011... I have until Dec. 8 to sign for the lowest fee... I'll see how thing go up to then and it would be a great bday present... I am running a 10k (next edition of my very first race after taking running up again) on my birthday, on my 40th on Nov. 28th... I might then sign up for the marathon if training and things are going well... I don't know when but... I will be a marathoner!

1 comment:

  1. You can do the marathon! Yes you can!

    SNOW - wow. I know - it is too hard to train in snow. Better stay safe indoors!
