Sunday, September 19, 2010

Cursa de la Mercè

So, another 10K under my belt. Today was another edition of the Cursa de la Mercè in Barcelona. Got to the city at 8, had a coffee at my bro's and set off to the race. Got there and did some warm up (something I never do :p). I was with Xavi Papell, a friend, all the time. We headed for the start line after a porta-potty stop ;) and started slow and easy as there were 12,000 runners! We run at a good/nice pace for me until K6 when we stopped due to his terrible pain on the leg. We walked a little and then resumed running until we stopped again. We did a few times until K8 when I kept running. I so have to thank Xevi for pacing me at the beginning. Had I been on my own I would have surely stopped to walk a lot earlier! I finished nice and strong and loving every minute of the race! My finish time was 1:07:22, 4 minutes faster than my last 10K on August 8th! So happy and feeling like I want more!

Next race to come soon! My brother run too... he did a whooping 51:34, he's a champ!

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